Article Number: 3876
Soft Cover, English, Staple Binding, 23 Pages, 2010, Werkplaats Typografie
Emily King, Lu Liang

The Key and Kitchen: the Essentials of a Post-graduate Design Education

Publication for Werkplaats Typografie. Image caption: A photograph taken in 1998 shows walls of the Werkplaats Typografie painted white and entirely clean except for the odd graphic interjection such as an isolated poster or a series of black elastic bands hung on hooks.

Twelve years later, the same surfaces are dense with marks, both accidental and deliberate. Inscriptions made at the outset have been absorbed or obliterated by subsequent accretions.
Concentrating on details, this series of photographs raise questions about the provenance of particular stains. Each one tells a story. The phrase is as if these walls had ears, but in the case of the WT, the generations of students have given their walls a graphic voice.